I again made the final by virtue of points along with; Kirk Maupin (duh), Bill Brandt, Paul Jackson, Steve Schmitz and John Hruby (winner of the first connie). I decided today to try the flying start that won me the first race, as I know my boat is heavy and can not troll down on tight race courses. Coming down for the line, the first 4 lanes were occupied, so I opted out for lane 5 and raced for the first corner. Going around the first corner I lost sight of my boat behind
a few roostertails. As I looked for my boat to exit the corner and head full tilt down the back stretch I saw a boat facing the opposite direction, dead in the water at the apex of the left turn. Needless to say that was me. About half a second later John Hruby's Miss Circus Circus found my boat before he could see it. It was not John's fault as it happened in a blink of an eye.
The results were not pretty, luckily his boat had minor damage with mainly hardware breaks. My boat was not so lucky as the canopy and cowling will become good wall art with rudder and prop marks up and down the side of the hull. I think the pictures do enough justice.
Kirk Maupin had another great day however with his beautiful and lightening fast Atlas Van Lines. The finishing order of the race are as follows:
1) Kirk Maupin/1975 Atlas Van Lines
2) Steve Schmitz/1986 Squire Shop
3) Bill Brandt/1972 Notre Dame
4) Paul Jackson/1991 The Edge
5) John Hruby/1978 Miss Circus Circus (DNF)
6) David Newton/1993 Miss Budweiser (DNF)
Next race on Newton Marine's schedule will be to join UNW next Saturday at Monroe... unfortunately without the 1993 Miss Budweiser, as that model will need a good and long rest. Rachael again took video footage of the final heats, I will post them shortly on tonight.
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