Today at Two Rivers Park in Kennewick Washington we had a Friday test session before Sunday's race. A total of 7 boats came out including: my 1993 Miss Budweiser and 1983 Miss Houston, Dave Brandt's new 1993 Tide, Dave Blackstein's 1986 Miss 711 and 2000 Miss Llumar, John Olsen's 1991 Miss Madison and Brian Lepinski's 1993 Circus Circus. Some good runs were made today. My fiance Rachael Goldman got about 50 laps in the Miss Houston. She did very good getting used to the controls and accustomed to driving a hydroplane around a course with other boats on the water. She hopes to get the hang of it to qualify as a driver for RCU in the 2010 racing season. My Bud made a few strong runs. I only did not make it back to the pits once, on account of there was no more fuel left in the fuel tanks! With not driving a boat for 5 months, I guess I was just having too much fun! I had some problems with my camera today, but I will be sure to take more over the weekend, and hopefully upload a video or two with it. Here are just a few pictures of the days events (I will upload all of my photos to my photo site 2010 Atomic Cup Pix):
This final picture come from proffesional hydroplane photograhper Chris Denslow. If you have not seen any of his photos before, come out of your cave and check out his work, it is first class. He always takes plenty of pictures and will have them uploaded by the end of the weekend under the R/C hydroplane section, and then 2010 Atomic Cup. You can view his photographs of unlimited hydroplanes, inboard hydroplanes, outboard hydroplanes and radio controlled hydroplanes at:

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